Where it all started…

by | Dec 22, 2018 | Marinas, Mediterranean

Just before Christmas 2018 I saw for the first time Galaxi, she was called Maverik then, beel in a charter fleet for many (if not all) of her 15 years.

I was very impressed by the really good conditions in which all interiors and cosmetics were.
I was not surprised as I had her checked by my broker and a marine surveyor before purchase, but I did buy her without seeing her first.

Dealing with the Croatian bureaucracy was a near nightmare.  I was in Croatia in 2011 and decided then that I would not visit it again, now, I had no choice as that’s where the boat I bought was…
I booked in advance an agent to do all the handover and clearing, including export papers. As the day progressed and we were going from office to office the weather deteriorated and a Gale warning was issued. I asked the port police to let me stay in their controllrd area, on board without going ashore, but they refused, they told me I had to leave within 1/2 hour or risk big fines, they added that they would follow me with radars and would prosecute me if I did not go past the 12M.

I had no choice but leave.

As I was 1h out of Sybenik, the full force of the ‘Bura’ struck me with gusts to 60kn.  It was the first time out on Galaxi and I had a lot of quick learning to do, but I managed to arrive in one piece at Bisceglie just before sunset the day after in dark clouds and brown breaking seas.

Now, I will not forget my promise: Never go to Croatia again!


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